Resolve 1. to fix or settle on by deliberate choice and will; determine [to do something]. 2. to separate into constituent or elementary parts; break up. 3. to reduce or convert by or as by breaking up or disintegration. 4. to convert or transform by any process (often used reflexively). 5. to reduce by mental analysis (often fol. by into). 6. to settle, determine, or state formally in a vote or resolution. 7. to deal with (a question, matter, etc.) conclusively; solve. 8. to clear away or dispel (doubts, fears, etc.). 9. Chem. to separate (a racemic mixture) into its optically active components. 10. Music. to cause (a voice part, etc.) to progress from a dissonance to a consonance. 11. Optics. to separate and make visible the individual parts of (an image); distinguish between. 12. Med. to cause (swellings, inflammation, etc.) to disappear without supporation. 13. to make up oneÍs mind: determine. 14. to break up or disintegrate. 15. to be reduced or changed by breaking up or otherwise. 16. Music. to progress from a dissonance to a consonance. 17. a resolution or determination made, as to follow some course of action. 18. determination; firmness of purpose. [ME < L resolve(ere) (to) unfastion, loosen, release = re -RE + solvere to loosen; see solve]
-Syn. 1. confirm. See decide. 2. analyze, reduce. 8. scatter, disperse. 17, 18. decision.
Solve 1. to find the answer or explanation for. 2. to work out the answer or solution to (a mathematical problem). [ME < L solvere to loosen, free, release, dissolve]
Resolution 1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Cf. concurrent resolution, joint resolution. 2. a resolve or determination. 3. the act of resolving or determining, as upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. 4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose. 5. the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts. 6. the resulting state. 7. a solution or explanation, as of a problem, controversy, etc. 8. Music. a. the progrression of a voice part or of the the harmony as a whole from a dissonance to a consonance. b. the tone or chord to which a dissonance is resolved. 9. reduction to a simpler form; conversion. [ME < L resolútion- (s. of resolútió) = resolút(us) RESOLUTE + -ión- -ION] -Syn. 4. resolve, determination, perseverance, tenacity.
Resolute 1. firmly resolved or determined. 2. characterized by firmness and determination. [< L resolut(us), ptp. of resolvere to resolve] -Syn. 1. firm, steadfast, fixed. See earnest. 2. unwavering, undaunted.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]
Resolution 1: the act or process of reducing to simpler form; as a: the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones b: the act of answering: solving c: the act of determinging d: the passing of a voice part from a dissonant to a consonant tone or the progression of a chord from dissonance to consonance e: the separating of a chemical compound or mixture into its constituents f (1): the division of a prosodic element into its component parts (2): the substitution in Greek or Latin prosody of two short syllables for a long syllable g: the analysis of a vector into two or more vectors of which it is the sum h: the process or capablity of making distinguishable the individual parts of an object, closely adjacent optical images, or sources of light 2: the subsidence of a pathological state [as inflammation] 3a: something that is resolved [made a __ to mend my ways] b: firmness of resolve 4: a formal expression of opinioin, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group 5: the point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is worked out -Syn. see Courage [Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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