End n [ME ende, fr. OE; akin to OH G enti end, L ante before, Gk anti against] [bef. 12c] 1a: the part of an area that lies at the boundary b[1]: a point that marks the extent of something [2] extreme or last part lengthwise: Tip d: the terminal unit of something spatial that is marked off by units e: a player stationed at the extremity of a line [as in football] 2a: cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or activity b: Death, Destruction c[1]: the ultimate state [2]: Result, Issue 3: something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersized: Remnant 4a: an outcome worked toward: Purpose [the __ of poetry is to be poetry -R.P. Warren] b: the object by virtue of or for the sake of which an event takes place 5a: a share in an undertaking [kept your __ up] b: a particular operation or aspect of an undertaking or organization [the sales __ of the business] 6: something that is extreme: Ultimate - used with the 7: a period of action or turn in any of various sports events [as archery or lawn bowling]
-syn see intention -ended adj -in the end: After all, Ultimately -no end: Exceedingly -on end; without a stop or letup [it rained for days on end]
2 End vt [bef 12c] 1a: to bring to an end b: Destroy 2: to make up the end of -vi 1a: to come to an end b: to reach a specified ultimate rank or situation -usu. used with up [__ed up as a colonel] 2: Die -syn see Close
3 End adj [13c]: Final, Ultimate [__results] [__markets] [__ product]
4 End vt [prob. alter. of E dial. in [to harvest] [1607] dial Eng: to put [grain or hay] into a barn or stack
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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