
Notebook, 1993-



In relationship to, In terms of, etc. . . . . A basis of comparison or of judgment . . . . Established by authority, custom or an individual. . . . Model, Exemplar . . . . Prescribed degree, Established content, Authorized exemplar . . . . Sufficiently enduring to be made part of a permanent [collection, repetoire, etc.], of recognized [excellence, appropriateness, strength, etc.] . . . . Emblematic . . . . Usual, Common, Customary, Conforming . . . . Considered correct or preferred [usage, degree, kind, etc.] . . .

C  O  N  S  I  D  E  R  A  T  I  O  N  S
Basis [of comparison]
















R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Standard n. 1. something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparision; an approved model. 2. anything, as a rule or principle, that is used as a basis for judgment. 3. an average or normal requirement, quality, level, etc.: His work this week hasn't been up to his usual standard. 4. standards, morals, ethics, habits, etc., established by authority, custom or an individual as acceptable. 5. the authorized exemplar of a unit of weight or measure. 6. a certain commodity, esp. gold or silver, in or by which a basic monetary unit is stated. 7. the legally established content of full-weight coins. 8. the prescribed degree of fineness for gold or silver. 9. a musical piece of sufficiently enduring popularity to be made part of a permanent repertoire. 10. a flag indicating the presence of a sovereign or public official. 11. a flag, emblematic figure, or other object used as the emblem of an army, fleet, etc. 12. something that stands or is placed upright. 13. an upright support or supporting part. 14. Hort. a plant trained or grafted to have a single, erect, treelike stem. 15. Bot. vexillium [def. 3]. -adj. 16. serving as a model or as a basis for judgment or comparision. 17. of recognized excellence: a standard book on a subject. 18. usual, common, or customary. 19. conforming in pronunciation, grammer, vocabulary, etc., to the usuage that is ggenerally considered to be correct or preferred. 20. fulfilling specific requirements as established by an authority, law, rule, custom, etc. [ME < OF, prob. alter. of Frankish *standard (ch. G. Standori standing point), conformed to -ard -ARD] -Syn. 1, 2. gauge, basis, pattern, guide. Standard, Criterion refer to the basis for making a judgment. A standard is an authoritative principle or rule that usually implies a model or pattern for guidance, by comparison with which the quantity, excellence, correctness, etc., of other things may be determined: She could serve as the standard of good breeding. A Criterion is a rule or principle used to judge the value, suitability, probability, etc., of something, without necessarily implying any comparision: Wealth is no criterion of a manÍs worth. 11. ensign, banner, pennant. 16. guiding. [Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]



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