Determinate adj. 1. having defined limits; definite. 2. settled; positive. 3. conclusive; final. 4. resolute. 5. Bot. [of an inflorescence] having the primary and each secondary axis ending in a flower or bud, thus preventing further elongation. 6. engineering. able to be analyzed completely by means of the principles of statics. [ME < L déterminát(us), ptp. of détermináre]
Determine -v.t. 1. to settle or decide [a dispute, question, etc.] by an authoritative or conclusive decision. 2. to conclude or ascertain, as after reasoning or observation. 3. Geom. to fix the position of. 4. to cause, affect, or control; fix or decide causally. 5. to give direction or tendency to; impel. 6. Logic. to limit [a notion] by adding differentiating characteristics. 7. Chiefly Law. to put an end to; terminate. 8. to lead or bring [a person] to a decision. 9. to decide upon. -v.i. 10. to come to a decision or resolution; decide. 11. Chiefly Law. to come to an end. [ME determine[n] < OF determin(er) < L détermináre. See DE-, TERMINATE] -Syn 1. resolve. See decide. 5. induce, lead.
Determination n. 1. the act of coming to a decsion or of fixing or settling a purpose. 2. ascertainment, as after observation or investigation. 3. the information ascertained; solution. 4. the settlement of a dispute, question, etc. 5. the decision or settlement arrived at or pronounced. 6. the quality of being resolute. 7. a fixed purpose or intention. 8. the fixing or settling of amount, limit, character, etc. 9. fixed direction or tendency toward some object or end. 10. Chiefly Law. conclusion or termination. 11. Embryol. the fixation of the nature of morphological differentiation in a group of cells before actual, visible differentiation. 12. Logic. a. the act of rendering a notion more precise by the addition of differentiating characteristics. b. the definition of a concept in terms of its constituent elements. [ME determinacioun < L déterminátión- (s. of détermináió) a boundary, conclusion].
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]
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