
Notebook, 1993-



Form of Adjustment, Measure, Limit, Shape . . . . To Alter, Vary, Reform, Change. . . . To Describe, Limit or Particularize meaning . . . To Reduce, Moderate, Qualify . . . A Variant . . . . Suggests altering an original statement, condition, or the like, so as to avoid anything excessive or extreme/to alter in one or more particulars, generally in the direction of leniency or moderation.

C  O  N  S  I  D  E  R  A  T  I  O  N  S
Music: A term applied to the temperament of the sounds of those instruments whose tones are fixed, which gives a greater degree of perfection to one key than to another; as in organs, pianofortes, and the like. . . . Modifications, light and shade of intonation; slight alterations. [Elson, Louis C. Professor of Theory of Music at the New England Conservatory of Music. Elson's Music Dictionary. Boston: Oliver Ditson Co. MCMV.]

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Modification n. 1. the act or an instance of modifying. 2. the state of being modified; partial alteration. 3. a modified form; variety; variant. 4. Biol. a change in a living organism acquired from its own activity or environment and not transmitted to its descendants. 5. limitation or qualification. 6. Gram. a. the use of a modifier in a construction. b. the meaning of a modifier. c. a change in the shape of a morpheme, word, or other form, as the change of not to -n't in doesn't. [< L modificátión- (s. of modificátió) = modificát(us) measured [ptp. of modificáre; see MODIFY] + -ión- -ION]

Modify v.t. 1. to change somewhat the form or qualties of; alter partially: to modify a design. 2. Gram, [of a word or phrase] to stand in a syntactically subordinate relation to [another word or phrase], usually with descriptive, limiting, or particularizing meaning; be a modifier. In a good man, good modifies man. 3. to change [a vowel] by umlaut. 4. to reduce in degree; moderate; qualify; to modify one's statement. -v.t. 5. to be or become modified. [ME modifie(n) < MF modifie(r) < L modificáre to limit, measure]
-Syn. 1. vary, adjust, shape, reform. 4. Modify, Qualify, Temper suggest altering an original statement, condition, or the like, so as to avoid anything excessive or extreme. To Modify is to alter in one or more particulars, generally in the direction of leniency or moderation: to modify demands, rates. To Qualify is to restrict or limit by exceptions or conditions: to qualify one's praise, hopes. To Temper is to alter the quality of something, generally so as to diminish its force or hashness: to temper one's criticism with humor.

[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]



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