Work in this area may include Social, Cultural, Political, Religious and other traditional or formal orientations, etc. . . . . Historical references. . . . .There are many Stylistic and Technical Methods & Approaches . . . . Related Matters may include understanding of Materials & Processes, Conservation, Supply and Service . . . . . Decoration may be focused or applied formally or funcionally in areas of Architectural Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Graphics, Textiles, Industrial Design, and many professional engineering and developmental considerations, etc.
The focus here is on 'Decoration.'
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Developments may in this way proceed through an appreciation of the arts and art works on a very general level . . . . or . . . . through engagement in materials, processes and methods . . . . through work with visual relationships . . . . . through consideration of aesthetic theory and practice . . . . through an interpretation of a specific discipline . . . . through reference to tradition . . . . . through a review of history or attention to cultural norms or through the development of specific topics, events, or issues . . . .
4 Decorate vt [L decoratus, pp. of decorare, fr. decor-, decus ornament, honor -more at Decent] [1530] 1: to add honor to 2: to furnish with something ornamental [__ a room] 3: to award a mark of honor to
-syn see Adorn
Decoration n [1530] 1: the act or process of decoarting 2: something that adorns, enriches, or beautifies: Ornament 2: a badge of honor [as U.S. military award]
Decorative adj [1791]: serving to decorate; esp: purely ornamental
Decorative Art n [1967] 1: an art concerned primarily with the creation of useful items [as furniture, ceramics, and textiles] -usu. used in pl. 2: objects of decorative art
Decorator n [c. 1755]: one that decorates; esp: one that designs or executes interiors and their furnishings.
Decorous adj [L decorus, fr., decor beauty, grace; akin to L decére to be fitting--more at Decent] [1673]: marked by propriety and good taste: Correct [__ conduct]
Decor or
Décor n [F décor, fr. décorer to decorate, fr. L decorare] [1897] a: a stage setting 2a: Decoration 2 b: the style and layout of interior furnishings
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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