Oxford Art Online - [By Subscription] . . . . . Art Term Glossaries - Mulitple References . . . . . Glossary - 'Artist's on Art' / Dore Ashton . . . . . Dimensions - (Forms, Contexts, Perspectives) . . . . . Modes
Tactile Values
Tanagra Statuettes
The Eight
The Germ
The Ten
Three Friends of the Cold Seasan - "Pine, Bamboo, and blossoming plum --all symbols of longevity, winter, and the qualities of a gentleman."[Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting. Yale University and Foreign Language Press. 1997]
Three-tier Ranking System - "According to the Lidai minghua ji [Record of famous paintings of successive dynasties] by the Tang-dnyasty art critic Zhang Yanyuan, all artists could be classified into three major categories: inspired [shen ], excellent [miao ], or capable [neng ]. Later a category called yipin, or 'untrammeled,' was added."[Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting. Yale University and Foreign Language Press. 1997]
Tondo - "A painting or relief carving of circular shape: the word is Italian for 'round'."[Osborne, Harold, editor. The Oxford C ompanion to Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford University Press. 1988.]
Tours School
Transitional Style
Trap Pictures [Tableaux Pièges; Fallenbilden]
Trophy - "A carved, painted, or engraved representation of a group of arms and armour [and usually banners], a common decorative motif on, for example, tomb sculpture and buildngs. Trophies derive from the ancient practice of displaying the actual weapons of defeated enemies as spoils of war and symbols of conquest."[Osborne, Harold, editor. The Oxford C ompanion to Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford University Press. 1988.]
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