Oxford Art Online - [By Subscription] . . . . . Art Term Glossaries - Mulitple References . . . . . Glossary - 'Artist's on Art' / Dore Ashton . . . . . Dimensions - (Forms, Contexts, Perspectives) . . . . . Modes
Ma-Xia Style
Magical Realism
Maiolica [or Majoloca]
Mánes Union of Artists
Maniére Criblée
Mass Media Image: Banalized Celebrity and Celebrated Banality [Gottlieb, Carla. Beyond Modern Art. New York: E.P. Dutton. 1976]
Master of . . . - "Term used in art history to label the author of anonymous works for convenience in discussing them . . . . "[Osborne, Harold, editor. The Oxford C ompanion to Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford University Press. 1988.]
Masterpiece - "A term now loosely applied to the finest work by a particular artist or to any work of art of acknowledged greatness or of pre-eminence in its field. Originally it meant the piece of work by which a craftsman, having finished his training, gained the rank of 'master' in his guild."[Osborne, Harold, editor. The Oxford C ompanion to Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford University Press. 1988.]
Mbari School of Artists
Mec Art
Medium - - "Term used in its broadest sense to describe the various methods and materials of the artist; thus painting, sculpture, and drawing are three different media, and bronze and marble are two of the media of sculpture. In a more restricted sense the term refers to the substance with which pigment is mixed to make paint; for example, water in water-colour, egg yolk in tempera, linseed oil [most usually] in oil painting."[Osborne, Harold, editor. The Oxford C ompanion to Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford University Press. 1988.]
Mestizo Style
Metaphysical Painting
Mi Family Manner of Landscape Painting
Migration Period Art
Minimal Art
Minjian huajia - "Local artist or regional painting. Often translated as "craftsman" or "artisan."[Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting. Yale University and Foreign Language Press. 1997]
Minoan Art
Mir Iskusstva [The World of Art]
Modernista [See Art Nouveau]
The Monologue of Magnitude [Gottlieb, Carla. Beyond Modern Art. New York: E.P. Dutton. 1976]
Mogollon Culture
Mosan School
Movimento Per L'Arte Concreta [MAC]
Mudéjar - "Term applied to a style of architecture and decorative art, part Islamic and part Gothic, which grew up in Spain and Portugal during the gradual reconquest of the Peninsula from the Moors [12th - 15th centuries]. The Mudejars were those Muslims allowed to remain in Spain after the reconquest and the term 'Mudéjar' was originally applied to the characteristic style of work executed by Muslim craftsmen for Christian masters. It has since been extended to cover later Spanish work in the Islamic tradition, especially brick, plaster, wood, and tile treated in the Moorish manner. Mudejar styles also occur in book-binding, textiles, ceramics, ivory, furniture, and inlays of wood [taraceas] and metal [damascene work]."[Osborne, Harold, editor. The Oxford C ompanion to Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford University Press. 1988.]
Mycenaean Art
The Mystic Presence [Gottlieb, Carla. Beyond Modern Art. New York: E.P. Dutton. 1976]
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