
Notebook, 1993-



Invention, Change, Effect, Originality . . . . Process, Innovation, Productivity . . . . Definition, Renewal, Transformation . . . . Discovery, New . . . . To Found / Contrive . . . . To Evolve / Produce . . . . To Make . . . . To Do / To Occasion . . . . To Derive / To Extract . . . . To Initiate . . . . To Constitute / To Cause . . . . To Perform . . . . To Arrange, Constitute, Fabricate . . . . Begin . . . .

To bring into existence . . . . The act of bringing the world into ordered existence . . . . To invest with a new form, office, or rank . . . . To produce or bring about by a course of action or imaginative skill: Cause, Occasion

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One may get started from any perspective and find Developments will proceed through selected courses of interest. For personal appreciation --or through concentration of interest in one or two courses through which to demonstrate expertise --all forms of development require the investment of time and interest.

The focus here is on 'Creativity.'

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Developments may in this way proceed through an appreciation of the arts and art works on a very general level . . . . or . . . . through engagement in materials, processes and methods . . . . through work with visual relationships . . . . . through consideration of aesthetic theory and practice . . . . through an interpretation of a specific discipline . . . . through reference to tradition . . . . . through a review of history or attention to cultural norms or through the development of specific topics, events, or issues . . . .

C  O  N  S  I  D  E  R  A  T  I  O  N  S












Perform for first time




Bring about













R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Create 1. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes: God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. 2. to evolve form a person's own thought or imagination, as a work of art, an invention, etc. 3. Theat. to perform [a role] for the first time or in the first production of a play. 4. to make by investing with new functions, rank, character, etc.; constitute; appoint: to create a peer. 5. to be the cause or occasion of: give rise to. 6. to cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design: He wanted to create an opportunity to ask for a raise in his allowance. to create a revolution. 7. to do something creative or constructive. -adj. 8. Archaic. created. [ME creat (ptp.) < L Creát(us) = creá- (s. of creáre to make) + -tus ptp. suffix] -Syn. originate, invent.

Creativity 1. the state or quality of being creative. 2. creative ability or process.

Originate 1. to take or have origin or rise; arise; spring. 2. (of a train, bus, or other public conveyance) to begin its scheduled run at a specified place. 3. to give origin or rise to; initiate, [prob. back formation from origination < L oríginátion- (s. of originátió). See origin, -ation] -Syn. 3. See discover.

Origin 1. the source from which anything arises or is derived. 2. the rise or derivation of something from a particular source. 3. the first stage of existence; beginning. 4. birth or parentage; extraction: Scottish origin. 5. Anat. a. the point of derivation. b. the more fixed portion of a muscle. 6. Math. a. the point in a Cartesian coordinate system where the axes intersect. b. the point from which rays designating specific angles originate in a polar coordinate system with no axes. [ME < L orín- (s. of orígo) beginning, source, rise < orírí to rise] -Syn. 1. root, foundation. 4. ancestry, lineage, descent. -Ant. 1. destination, end.

Invent 1. to originate as a product of one's own device or contrivance: to invent a machine. 2. to produce or create with the imagination: to invent a story. 3. to make up or fabricate [something fictitious or false]: to invent excuses. 4. Obs. to come upon; find [late ME invente < L invent(us) found (ptp. of inveníre) = in- IN- + ven- come + -tus ptp. suffix] -Syn. 1. device, contrive. See discover. 3. concoct.

[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]

1 Create vb [ME, fr. L creatus, pp. of creare; akin to L cr escere to grow -more at Crescent] vt [14c] 1: to bring into existence [God created the heaven and the earth -Gen I:1 [AV] 2a: to invest with a new form, office, or rank [was createted a lieutenant] b: to produce or bring about by a course of action: Cause, Occasion [famine __s high food prices] ba: to produce through imaginative skill [__ a painting] b: Design [__s dresses] -vi: to make or bring into existence something new

Creation n [14c] 1: the act of creating; esp: the act of bring the world into ordered existence 2: the act of making, inventing, or producing; as a: the act of investing with a new rank or office b: the first representation of a dramatic role 3: something that is created: as a: World b: creature singly or in aggregate c: an original work of art d: a new usu. striking article of clothing

Creative adj [1678] 1: marked by the ability or power to create: given to creating [the __ implulse] 2: having the quality of something created rather than imitated: imaginative [the __ arts] 3: managed so as to get around legal or conventional limits [__ financing]: also: deceptively arranged so as to conceal or defraud [__ accounting]

Creativity n [1875] 1: the quality of being creative 2: the ability to create

Creator n [13c]: one that creates usu. by bringing something new or original into being; esp. cap: God]

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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